
Finally going off sick. Absolutely fucking done with it.

Man the last few nights have been rough… chronic insomnia has finally caught up with me big-time. I've managed 4 hours sleep the last few nights and dragged myself through my shifts feeling like absolute garbage. And here I am at almost 4am with work (or not) in 3 hours, no sleep, no sign of any impending, laying in bed resenting the amount of overtime they put on us to cover 3 years of non-stop shortcomings. But for some reason I soldiered on and done my bit to help the public. Because that's who I am, but it's time to help myself. Nah I'm not going in. Or the day after that. Or the day after that one. And no more overtime, money ain't buying my happiness. Roll on 6am when my supervisors phone is turned on

Man the last few nights have been rough… chronic insomnia has finally caught up with me big-time. I've managed 4 hours sleep the last few nights and dragged myself through my shifts feeling like absolute garbage.

And here I am at almost 4am with work (or not) in 3 hours, no sleep, no sign of any impending, laying in bed resenting the amount of overtime they put on us to cover 3 years of non-stop shortcomings. But for some reason I soldiered on and done my bit to help the public. Because that's who I am, but it's time to help myself.

Nah I'm not going in. Or the day after that. Or the day after that one. And no more overtime, money ain't buying my happiness.

Roll on 6am when my supervisors phone is turned on

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