
Finally I feel My Above Knee Amputation Has Ruined My Life.

I will just keep as short as possible because honestly I really don't think I can stomach another sleepless night questioning what I should do it what's going to happen basically it's like this. I'm an Army Vet came home from basic and got ran over by some older dude 48 surgeries and a whole lot of very greedy people later…. I get some sort of money around 500k well I wanted to do the RIGHT thing and have it set as a trust. Welp pretty much got so damn screwed by these ignorant ass lawyers after it's all said and done I get a house 200k. I buy a care around 41k I try to again do this correct stuff and get my disability an VA stuff sorted out but in a humble of living to far no ride lawyers just drop me or covid it's been everywhere. So.…

I will just keep as short as possible because honestly I really don't think I can stomach another sleepless night questioning what I should do it what's going to happen basically it's like this.

I'm an Army Vet came home from basic and got ran over by some older dude 48 surgeries and a whole lot of very greedy people later….

I get some sort of money around 500k well I wanted to do the RIGHT thing and have it set as a trust. Welp pretty much got so damn screwed by these ignorant ass lawyers after it's all said and done I get a house 200k. I buy a care around 41k I try to again do this correct stuff and get my disability an VA stuff sorted out but in a humble of living to far no ride lawyers just drop me or covid it's been everywhere.

So. Guess what. Guess who is now sitting on a old for fiances father's floor at his house trying to figure out life because I don't have electric. water. food. I'm tapped with my family really because of just honestly distance and time. Mother has passed Dad is awall.

I'm a vet I seen the worst shit. The worst of the worst. Nightmare fuel. But let me tell you I don't care if there was a bombing raid or, a generator surge or whatever. We had electric in our barracks and bunks for certain.

But check this out. My electric. They legit have no wiggle room no help no nothing there savage and honestly I have contemplated leaving my home not to deal with them. How is anyone supposed to survive when it goes down like this.

Deposit 600. Paid. Paid electric bill 3 years on time. About two months I knew I wasn't gonna have the full. Called them as a someone who needs assistance to be told. Nope nope nope nope nope nope. Now my late bill has a total of 437 dollars. Well since I was late or told them I was late they took that as a non payment. Closed account. No way.

And guess what the only way to fix it is. They make you an account with the past due and then you guessed it MAKE YOU PAY ANOTHER DEPOSIT OF 600 DOLLARS. O you think that's where it's stopped guess what. Try not. I had 8 days of electric I get a bill for whatever half the deposit is and my bill and all together the total comes to….

Try 945.00 dollars they wanted Friday and said if they don't receive then snip guess what no power come Monday and sure as shit.

Like excuse my language but you fucking mental and this is just the ELECTRIC BILL. I have had enough that bill is making my life so screwed I have never ever felt as hungry as I do right at this moment. So much rage in my and honestly….I hate to say it but man I kinda understand why people may do drastic and out of this world stuff. Look. There is no help or no love no actual human in humanity.

I paid my home off so should I take out a equity loan can't nobody is willing to touch me cause my credit score 620 due to the fact me and my dad have the same name. My house is in beautiful condition and now I just wanna watch the damn thing burn. Sorry a bit salty and sorry it was long.

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