
Finally leaving my shitty retail job!

I've been with this company for over a year and over the course of that year I have been one of the most flexible employees of that company, learning so many different functions and positions, and being generally compliant with any request given to me (and boy howdy do they love to overload me with so many different areas to upkeep). Despite the fact that I was so very obviously underpaid for how much value I brought to my dying company, I wanted to remain there, since it was a very chill sort of job. Now that's not to say I was employee Number 1 or anything, I am a very casual and lackadaisical sort of worker, I talk and sit around and whatnot, but god damn it I get my work done all the same. Now I have a pretty good deal on renting a house, and I did…

I've been with this company for over a year and over the course of that year I have been one of the most flexible employees of that company, learning so many different functions and positions, and being generally compliant with any request given to me (and boy howdy do they love to overload me with so many different areas to upkeep). Despite the fact that I was so very obviously underpaid for how much value I brought to my dying company, I wanted to remain there, since it was a very chill sort of job.

Now that's not to say I was employee Number 1 or anything, I am a very casual and lackadaisical sort of worker, I talk and sit around and whatnot, but god damn it I get my work done all the same.

Now I have a pretty good deal on renting a house, and I did the math and all I needed was about 30 hours a week, THIRTY. I didn't even ask for full-time or anything. So I went to every higher up manager and tried to move my schedule around and get more hours. I was so naive to expect the company to value me enough to actually listen to me.

I wanted to move all my hours into the weekends to get a second job… Of course that STILL is too much to ask for!

Finally, after asking about 4 different times, I have decided to just leave the company, and so many other people are gonna jump ship too.

See how many people are gonna wanna work for you when the softcap is FIFTEEN hours a week! The hell am I supposed to work for you and be independent? Live outside your dilapidated store in a cardboard box?!

I know I should understand it by now, this is far from my first shit job, and I doubt it will be my last, but I was really hoping my “gold star status” or whatnot with the higher-ups would give me a little bit more leeway in getting what I wanted. It didn't, and I've learned the lesson of never going above and beyond for anyone but my friends, family, and my own self.

It just sucks because even though this was retail, it could have been the closest to a dream life that someone like me could ever hope for, working just a few long days with the rest of the week to laze around the house with my doggo, guess that's too idealistic for a peasant like myself, lmfao.

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