
Finally Leaving Toxic Job!!

So I’ve been working in a meat department for two years now. My manager was a friend from my old job who’s 40-something years old. When he left my old job and went to the current store we worked at he promised he’d teach me how to cut meat to earn a decent living. Well when I jumped over to his store things changed and it never happened. Our whole department agrees he has no idea how to be a manager. He spends the day smoking weed in his car,screwing up schedules and micromanaging and harassing other coworkers. Even guys who have been cutting meat for decades. He picks favorites,and decided to teach a new guy because he went to the dispensary for him to get bud. I’ve begged management to give me an apprenticeship even without the extra pay but I’ve been reduced to cleaning and wrapping. Well I…

So I’ve been working in a meat department for two years now. My manager was a friend from my old job who’s 40-something years old. When he left my old job and went to the current store we worked at he promised he’d teach me how to cut meat to earn a decent living. Well when I jumped over to his store things changed and it never happened. Our whole department agrees he has no idea how to be a manager.

He spends the day smoking weed in his car,screwing up schedules and micromanaging and harassing other coworkers. Even guys who have been cutting meat for decades. He picks favorites,and decided to teach a new guy because he went to the dispensary for him to get bud. I’ve begged management to give me an apprenticeship even without the extra pay but I’ve been reduced to cleaning and wrapping. Well I just landed an interview for Thursday for a way bigger store and it’s very promising,and I’ll finally learn how to cut and do my job completely.

I can’t wait to give this place my two weeks and dip out. I’ve been covering for my manager and his friends while they screwed around so this will definitely change things.

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