
Finally matched Covid-unemployment pay.

I’ve been back at work (a slow, pointless type of work) for a year now, after a year and some odd months of Covid Unemployment. (The business I worked for laid everyone off but two people, immediately when lockdown started. Eventually they closed their business.) This whole year back at work, I realized that as we want work culture to change, many of those who worked through the pandemic are acting like it never happened. They don’t care about unions. They pay authority politics at work (frightened of management, and keeping other restrictive and disrespectful power dynamics). I’ve found a lot of people with the same perspective as me here on r/antiwork. And even though I am now making the same wage that unemployment paid me, for my cost of living, my wage still needs to grow at least 33%. So I’ll still stay here. Just wanted to tell my…

I’ve been back at work (a slow, pointless type of work) for a year now, after a year and some odd months of Covid Unemployment.

(The business I worked for laid everyone off but two people, immediately when lockdown started. Eventually they closed their business.)

This whole year back at work, I realized that as we want work culture to change, many of those who worked through the pandemic are acting like it never happened. They don’t care about unions. They pay authority politics at work (frightened of management, and keeping other restrictive and disrespectful power dynamics).

I’ve found a lot of people with the same perspective as me here on r/antiwork. And even though I am now making the same wage that unemployment paid me, for my cost of living, my wage still needs to grow at least 33%. So I’ll still stay here.

Just wanted to tell my story. I’m sure a lot of people can relate. I felt like I lived like the rich when I was on unemployment and I’ve never been healthier in my life. Currently trying to figure out how to live with this fact, and work. I appreciate the perspectives on this subreddit.

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