
Finally pulled the plug and quit today

I’ve worked at a vet for 3 years and I’ve always felt like I had a relatively good relationship with my managers, despite some subtle disagreements here and there. Out of courtesy, I mentioned to them that I would be moving in 6 months, and even though I didn’t have an end date yet, they forced me to write a written resignation. Backtrack 2 weeks ago. Keep in mind I still have 4 months left until I’m no longer an employee. My dog gets a dental procedure and several growths removed. I have always gotten an extremely good employee discount so I was not worried about price, and no estimate was made up. After the entire surgery had already been said and done, my manager called me into her office to tell me that I wouldn’t be getting the employee discount and that I would be paying full price (Since…

I’ve worked at a vet for 3 years and I’ve always felt like I had a relatively good relationship with my managers, despite some subtle disagreements here and there. Out of courtesy, I mentioned to them that I would be moving in 6 months, and even though I didn’t have an end date yet, they forced me to write a written resignation. Backtrack 2 weeks ago. Keep in mind I still have 4 months left until I’m no longer an employee. My dog gets a dental procedure and several growths removed. I have always gotten an extremely good employee discount so I was not worried about price, and no estimate was made up. After the entire surgery had already been said and done, my manager called me into her office to tell me that I wouldn’t be getting the employee discount and that I would be paying full price (Since she’s super generous, she gave me $40 off the procedure). I was obviously incredibly blindsided by this and she had told me that per the handbook, the date you turn in your resignation is the day your discount is stripped. Even though mine was 6 months in advance!! There were a lot of other unbelievable factors that played into this that I won’t get into detail about. However, I ended up writing a very strongly worded text message explaining my side of the story and why I believed I was wronged. The managers pulled me into a meeting where they said I had a lot of great points and they want to do right by me- They would be sending it to corporate for consideration.

After a week of them deliberating, they pulled me in again to speak with me. They said because of the points I brought up, they would be changing the handbook so that your discount is valid up until the last month of your employment and that they would be sure to have every employee sign an estimate prior to procedures. BUT, this would not apply to me 🙂

Obviously they are acknowledging their wrong doing if they are willing to make changes because of it, they just won’t help the person who inspired those changes in the first place. I believe I have every reason to fight this bill but I don’t have the energy. I’m just going to pay it and I quit effective immediately today. It broke my heart but I have never been so mistreated by a place of work. I don’t believe I should have to pay the price of their mistake, but alas here I am.

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