
Finally voiced my concerns about an abusive client

I’ve been in an Account Management/Advisory role for the last 8 years. In that time I’ve dealt with some difficult clients. I’ve been working at my current job for about a year. I have genuinely liked my work at this company! My boss is great and I genuinely feel supported. At the end of April, there was an advisor that left for another job opportunity. She was fairly senior and had been at my company for awhile. One of the clients she had was transitioned over to me. It was a question of whether or not I wanted to take the account but I don’t think management had many choices of who to give them to. I said I wasn’t sure at first because it’s an industry I’m not familiar with and the account was flagged for historical issues. Apparently there were some big problems with their project last year…

I’ve been in an Account Management/Advisory role for the last 8 years. In that time I’ve dealt with some difficult clients. I’ve been working at my current job for about a year. I have genuinely liked my work at this company! My boss is great and I genuinely feel supported. At the end of April, there was an advisor that left for another job opportunity. She was fairly senior and had been at my company for awhile. One of the clients she had was transitioned over to me. It was a question of whether or not I wanted to take the account but I don’t think management had many choices of who to give them to. I said I wasn’t sure at first because it’s an industry I’m not familiar with and the account was flagged for historical issues. Apparently there were some big problems with their project last year that led to a lot of distrust and the current advisor had been trying to repair the relationship when she took over. Since I’ve been working with this client, I feel like I was lied to. The previous advisor definitely downplayed the difficulty of these client contacts. It’s not a particularly complex project but the main contacts are awful. They inherently distrust everything we say and are constantly looking for issues. I genuinely run out of things to say to them on calls and just go quiet because I have no words. I’ve been keeping my boss in the loop on how things are going since I took over this account and he knows the client is unhappy. Today I had a very serious conversation with him about this account and how I’ve been feeling. I do nothing but think about this account. I’ve been falling behind on my other work and am completely stressed out. My other team members are also miserable and I am running out of things to say or support to give to them with how awful I also feel about this client. My boss asked for some time to process after our call but took me seriously and is looking at options internally. I’m trying to figure out what I’m going to do if I have to keep this account. My mental health is shot. I don’t have the strength to keep going and if the client is unhappy and so am I, what is the point?! I just feel so stuck. Fuck work and fuck clients like this.

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