
Finance Bro Boss Gets Arrested

A couple years ago I landed a job which started off really cool. Young boss and colleagues. Niche, unique and exciting work. Pay was quite shit, though. And after working a few months I asked for an increase and it was granted. However, the boss was the most stereotypical 30-something “CEO” I’ve ever seen. Crypto, reckless spending, paying us late, working us late, comments which count as sexual harassment, all those boxes were checked. He even fired a designer for making a spelling error in an early draft of something. No warning. So, the company went under, and we all ended up getting decent jobs so that was fine. However, the boss was involved in many failed ventures. There is no shame in trying, but he was criminally spending investors’ money. He talked a good game. Last year I saw he had moved to the US and living his best…

A couple years ago I landed a job which started off really cool. Young boss and colleagues. Niche, unique and exciting work. Pay was quite shit, though. And after working a few months I asked for an increase and it was granted.

However, the boss was the most stereotypical 30-something “CEO” I’ve ever seen. Crypto, reckless spending, paying us late, working us late, comments which count as sexual harassment, all those boxes were checked. He even fired a designer for making a spelling error in an early draft of something. No warning.

So, the company went under, and we all ended up getting decent jobs so that was fine. However, the boss was involved in many failed ventures. There is no shame in trying, but he was criminally spending investors’ money. He talked a good game.

Last year I saw he had moved to the US and living his best life. Fancy house, cars, bikes etc. Then he started posting dozens of Instagram stories daily. Basically, he had no money and was calling out hotels for “having no compassion” aka “sorry sir but you can’t stay if you don’t pay”.

He also claimed that he was receiving death threats over a patent for some “trillion-dollar tech” he developed. He would post screenshots of calling the FBI. They guy was so delusional he thought he was capable of an idea that was so revolutionary people wanted to kill him for it.

He’d call the cops and film them while they are telling him they don’t believe there is any danger. He also posted a video cutting up his green card like “since they treat me like nobody, I will become nobody”.

Suddenly, no activity from his profile. I noticed but didn’t know what to think. A couple weeks later one of my old co-workers sent me his mugshot. He’d been arrested for taking money from people and just blowing it on the high life. Bail was about 20k, which he couldn’t pay. But somehow he got out and his insta flared up again about this patent and how they’re trying to get rid of him etc.

Then it shut off again and nobody knows where he is. It’s been almost a year. We assume he’s in jail there with no contact.

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