
“Find someone to cover your shift” is bullshit.

How am I supposed to find someone in less than an hour when there are only some people with available phone numbers, half of the people I text are busy, and a third of them don't respond because I only gave them an hour's notice? When you're sick, you're SICK. You can't be going in and potentially infecting not only all of your coworkers but also everyone who comes into the store to buy the food that YOU MAKE. There could be customers with disabilities who are counting on my manager not forcing contagious people to make their food. My manager is the one who schedules as few people as possible so she doesn't have to pay people. Why is it my responsibility to make up for her refusal to prepare for this?

How am I supposed to find someone in less than an hour when there are only some people with available phone numbers, half of the people I text are busy, and a third of them don't respond because I only gave them an hour's notice? When you're sick, you're SICK. You can't be going in and potentially infecting not only all of your coworkers but also everyone who comes into the store to buy the food that YOU MAKE. There could be customers with disabilities who are counting on my manager not forcing contagious people to make their food. My manager is the one who schedules as few people as possible so she doesn't have to pay people. Why is it my responsibility to make up for her refusal to prepare for this?

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