
Find Your Own Coverage- I Hate It!

Little rant. I work at a company where you have to find your own coverage if you’re sick or need a day off, etc. and I really dislike it! Why should it be my responsibility to ask someone to cover my shift and not management? Shouldn’t it be the manager’s problem? 90% when I ask for coverage no one responds, either! It just feels so unnecessary. And no, even if I can’t find coverage, you shouldn’t expect me to come in anyways. Not my problem if we’re understaffed How does everyone else feel about needing to find your own coverage? Is it just me who finds it annoying?

Little rant. I work at a company where you have to find your own coverage if you’re sick or need a day off, etc. and I really dislike it! Why should it be my responsibility to ask someone to cover my shift and not management? Shouldn’t it be the manager’s problem?

90% when I ask for coverage no one responds, either! It just feels so unnecessary. And no, even if I can’t find coverage, you shouldn’t expect me to come in anyways. Not my problem if we’re understaffed

How does everyone else feel about needing to find your own coverage? Is it just me who finds it annoying?

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