
Finding A New Job Is A Nightmare

Finding a new job has to be one of the most annoyingly arduous, anxiety-fueled experiences that I've gone through. I've had to do it twice this year alone. I go on all of these interviews and get told my resume is pristine and a good fit for the company. That I'm what they're looking for to fill the position. You've heard it all before. Then I hear nothing back. Just when I think I nailed it, there's only silence. It's stressful as hell. Why do these people take forever to respond back? My old job I got laid off from is hiring again, and management said that they want me back. I'd be getting more money and other benefits. All I have to do is apply for the position and it's smooth sailing. But they haven't posted the position yet and they want to start bringing in new hires on…

Finding a new job has to be one of the most annoyingly arduous, anxiety-fueled experiences that I've gone through. I've had to do it twice this year alone.

I go on all of these interviews and get told my resume is pristine and a good fit for the company. That I'm what they're looking for to fill the position. You've heard it all before. Then I hear nothing back. Just when I think I nailed it, there's only silence. It's stressful as hell. Why do these people take forever to respond back?

My old job I got laid off from is hiring again, and management said that they want me back. I'd be getting more money and other benefits. All I have to do is apply for the position and it's smooth sailing. But they haven't posted the position yet and they want to start bringing in new hires on 7/10.

I keep pestering the hr lady and she said she's still waiting for the hiring managers to give her the greenlight. Really? How many brains does it take to say ok? How much red tape is there? I know for a fact my department lost two people recently and needs all the help they can get. It's so bad they're looking to fill 12 positions. So why wait around if there's a mutual interest to bring me back?

It feels like I'm being jerked around waiting for these corpo idiots to make a decision. Sitting around doing nothing after a while becomes tedious. Waiting furthers my anxieties. I despise finding a new job.

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