
Fire for “theft”??

So this is mostly just a rant. Cause I'm in a shit mood cause of my work(we no longer). I worked in a retail job, as a keyholder. Well Monday I had a shift from 2pm-1015pm. I was asked to put a bunch of stuff into the system so I spend nearly all of my shift doing that. I got to one item and wasn't told where they would be so, I opened a box, and realized it wasn't the correct box. So I closed the box and put it back without moving anything it. I then texted my boss asking where these other things I need to put in are, it was in a box way away from the others. So I grab that box, and the items I need from inside of it, then put then in the inventory. Finish my work for the day, clean up, and…

So this is mostly just a rant. Cause I'm in a shit mood cause of my work(we no longer).

I worked in a retail job, as a keyholder.

Well Monday I had a shift from 2pm-1015pm. I was asked to put a bunch of stuff into the system so I spend nearly all of my shift doing that. I got to one item and wasn't told where they would be so, I opened a box, and realized it wasn't the correct box. So I closed the box and put it back without moving anything it. I then texted my boss asking where these other things I need to put in are, it was in a box way away from the others. So I grab that box, and the items I need from inside of it, then put then in the inventory. Finish my work for the day, clean up, and close at 10.

Well Wednesday comes around, and I go in for my shift, just expecting a normal work day. Well I'm asked right away, about anything I may I owe the shop, which I don't. I tell this too my manager, and she tells me that they think I'm stealing. They said I stole vapes from the box I opened, and threw out the P.O that came with it, and thinks i stole a dabrite($230ish canadian) cause one got stolen which was the same color as the one I already own. Which I didn't, there's no reason to do that it's my job.

So she asks me for my key and tells me I'm suspended. I texted her early this morning asking what's going on, but didn't hear anything back. So I called the owner of the store, he said he has to side with his manager on this and give me 2 options, 1 is get fired and they will write down everything they think I stole, or option 2 is I can quit and the store owner will give me a letter of recommendation.

Too make this all so much better, I can't defend myself cause the cameras in the store don't record.

God I hate shitty managers.

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