
Fired after 2 months from entry-level job feeling hopeless

Hi guys, I was fired from my first real job out of college after just two months in training, for “performance reasons” despite the fact that my performance was always praised and I never received a clear warning from management. They completely blindsided me and left me with literally no hope for the future, I have been applying for jobs every day with very little luck, I have just been sinking deeper and deeper into depression and can barely make it through the day without having a panic attack.

Hi guys, I was fired from my first real job out of college after just two months in training, for “performance reasons” despite the fact that my performance was always praised and I never received a clear warning from management. They completely blindsided me and left me with literally no hope for the future, I have been applying for jobs every day with very little luck, I have just been sinking deeper and deeper into depression and can barely make it through the day without having a panic attack.

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