
Fired after 30 days for doing my job well

This is a throw away account. A little over a month ago I started a new job with an amazing close to 200k salary. I was recruited by a former coworker who picked up a director’s position. I was given a strait forward set of guidelines and job description. This company had been sitting stagnant in terms of growth for the past year, so I was expecting some challenges. However, they are well funded and have set forth realistic goals to get out of the rut. I started by building all the asset databases that have never been created, developing reporting procedures, automated the reports utilizing the software that they had which just happened to be the same software suit that my last company used. Generated several SOP’s and trained my coworkers to use our software (that they sat on doing for 2 years) Started implementation of safety procedures for…

This is a throw away account.

A little over a month ago I started a new job with an amazing close to 200k salary. I was recruited by a former coworker who picked up a director’s position. I was given a strait forward set of guidelines and job description. This company had been sitting stagnant in terms of growth for the past year, so I was expecting some challenges. However, they are well funded and have set forth realistic goals to get out of the rut.

I started by building all the asset databases that have never been created, developing reporting procedures, automated the reports utilizing the software that they had which just happened to be the same software suit that my last company used. Generated several SOP’s and trained my coworkers to use our software (that they sat on doing for 2 years) Started implementation of safety procedures for any of our field sites. Developed fast working relationships with the landlords and all the things that you would expect someone to do when part of the job description was maintain work life balance.

I was receiving praise from most of my coworkers and my direct leadership for making so much happen in such a short period of time. It was an international company and even my Japanese coworkers who never say much of anything thanked me last week for all I have done for the company and that they were impressed.

Today I came into work. My boss, the one who recruited me, said he received an odd email from the GM saying he was going to be working in another dept and that another person would be covering down on Operations. I arrived at work today and everything seemed normal. 3 hours after I showed up to work, I received a call from HR saying that I was terminated.

Come to find out one of my peers was not happy with what was going on and decided to threaten the company that he would leave if what I was doing was the direction that the company was going. He complained to another director and things were shifted around so I could be terminated. Apparently, doing what was asked of me made others scared that I would show the company how incompetent they have been, so I was terminated to protect the old guard of lazy individuals. My boss quit as soon as he found out.

I’m more confused than upset. I just retired from a 20-year career in the military last December. This amazes me.

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