
Fired At A Really Bad Time

I have been working at company (let's call it Y) for about a year and a half. After the first year, I noticed a lot of people getting bonuses even though I never received one. The company itself is very small and does not have management/he and mainly works with a few select people having clients and the next group (mine) working on tasks for those clients. I usually kept myself busy doing whatever work needed to be done while also learning as much as I can because I was new to the field. I decided to ask for a raise after a year and a half, showing up everyday and doing good work (according to project leader). When I asked the CEO, he sat me down and proceeded to rip into me stating that I never do any work and haven't contributed or learned enough in my time at…

I have been working at company (let's call it Y) for about a year and a half. After the first year, I noticed a lot of people getting bonuses even though I never received one. The company itself is very small and does not have management/he and mainly works with a few select people having clients and the next group (mine) working on tasks for those clients. I usually kept myself busy doing whatever work needed to be done while also learning as much as I can because I was new to the field. I decided to ask for a raise after a year and a half, showing up everyday and doing good work (according to project leader).
When I asked the CEO, he sat me down and proceeded to rip into me stating that I never do any work and haven't contributed or learned enough in my time at the company. I was thrown off by this as I didn't work directly with CEO, and every time he came by my desk I was doing something for the company. He said he'll let me know in a couple days and 2 weeks went by without him mentioning anything. I asked again right before I was scheduled for a surgery that would cause me to work from home for a few weeks. I was once again torn into, told I do nothing and I would not be getting a raise. I retaliated a bit saying that insurance payment was going up/inflation, and that after a year and a half I am essentially getting paid a lot less than when I started. He said he didn't care. I told him to save money I would be working from home as it cost roughly $600 to come into the office everyday. He finished with an “okay” and the day ended, but which ended up being my last time in office.
I got successful surgery, and was working from home the next week. Everything was fine until on Thursday I spoke to one of the higher ups and talked to me about my conversation with CEO. Then Friday I was working and at EOD I was called my CEO and abruptly fired, with him stating “I thought you would be in the office” which made no sense.

Now I am post surgery writing this, asking for advice.
Is there anything I can do about them firing me with all info provided as it seems a bit of a messed up time to fire me?
I received severance for 2 weeks + 1 week vacation and my health insurance was extended for 2 months.


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