
Fired for…?

So long story short I was employed by a restaurant. This restaurant opened last Monday and did not have any sanitizing solution, only using dawn dish soap to clean dishes, surfaces, and utensils. I inquired about when we could get a 3 compartment sink with detergent and sanitizer wells. I was told that the sink guy would be here tomorrow. Fast forward 2 weeks and the sink still isn't set up and employees are hand washing dishes with dawn only. I was very persistent on our need for the sanitizer since I have worked in kitchens in the past and know that without sanitizer you are at the mercy of your employees and what they deem clean. I was sent home on Thursday to help save labor and when I came in for my next scheduled shift on Monday I was informed that I would be let go due to…

So long story short I was employed by a restaurant. This restaurant opened last Monday and did not have any sanitizing solution, only using dawn dish soap to clean dishes, surfaces, and utensils. I inquired about when we could get a 3 compartment sink with detergent and sanitizer wells. I was told that the sink guy would be here tomorrow. Fast forward 2 weeks and the sink still isn't set up and employees are hand washing dishes with dawn only. I was very persistent on our need for the sanitizer since I have worked in kitchens in the past and know that without sanitizer you are at the mercy of your employees and what they deem clean. I was sent home on Thursday to help save labor and when I came in for my next scheduled shift on Monday I was informed that I would be let go due to complaints about my managerial style. I received no disciplinary action or discussion of the matter until I came in and was told that I was being let go. I suspect I was let go so that they could replace me with someone who is making less than what I demanded to be paid. They said I treated some employees like children, even though I was simply ensuring that food safety protocols were being followed as best as I could and I was telling employees to not go out back to get high during a rush. After I left on Thursday the crew complained to the owner, which resulted in the decision being made without me. I reported in on Monday and couldn't clock in so I informed my manager and continued working for an hour until I was called into the office with my manager and the shift lead that would be replacing me. They basically had her do all the talking because my manager was giggling and acting very unprofessional during the process. It was his first general manager position so I understand some hesitation but the way this was done felt very wrong to me, especially since I left another opportunity for this one and I don't feel as if I treated anyone unfairly. Is there any course of action I can take to get some sort of compensation for my time? Thanks for taking your time to read all this! Please advise.

Tl;Dr: worked in food service. Proper cleaning wasn't available. Complained about it when asked. Ran a good kitchen. Employees got mad I made them work. Got fired because they complained to owner. Send help.

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