
Fired for being unconscious in the hospital.

I'm just going to copy-paste this from my Indeed review which will probably be taken down anyway so I minds' well put it here. I just need to vent, I feel horrible. That being said, here's the shitshow: I've never felt the need to write a review about a company I've worked for, long-term or short-term, until now. That's how bad my experience was here, and I only really worked here for two days. First of all, there are extremely ableist and disrespectful people working with the management team. During orientation, there was a man who came in, as they had many people come in and present themselves and various subjects from different parts of the faculty. He was a part of the construction team and was going through things like hazards until he started using the r-slur to refer to disabled people and people with mental disabilities whereas “they…

I'm just going to copy-paste this from my Indeed review which will probably be taken down anyway so I minds' well put it here. I just need to vent, I feel horrible. That being said, here's the shitshow:

I've never felt the need to write a review about a company I've worked for, long-term or short-term, until now. That's how bad my experience was here, and I only really worked here for two days.

First of all, there are extremely ableist and disrespectful people working with the management team. During orientation, there was a man who came in, as they had many people come in and present themselves and various subjects from different parts of the faculty. He was a part of the construction team and was going through things like hazards until he started using the r-slur to refer to disabled people and people with mental disabilities whereas “they wouldn't be able to understand labels” which would have made sense until he started using ableist and blatantly disrespectful terminology about the disabled.

Keep in mind that I am a disabled person. I fully disclosed my disability, UPFRONT, because it can make me pass out and have to go to the ER immediately for treatment, yet they allow people like that who look down upon those with disabilities and believe we are all people with a lack of mental awareness in their workplace on a manager level. This was at a nursing home, and you think there would be a lot more awareness of disabilities and how they aren't a one-size-fits kind of thing and how not all people who have a disability are mentally r*tarded… which is exactly what this lead construction worker believed and said multiple times throughout his section of the orientation where they go over everything and whatnot.

Now, here's where the real part of my review comes in. On my first day, I had a flare-up of said disability and I had fully disclosed all of my symptoms to them. I passed out in the morning while getting ready, had to go to the hospital, and was unconscious for a few hours as soon as I woke up in the hospital I immediately called them to apologize and clear everything up and asked what I could do to make up for everything. Was slapped in the face with “1 NCNS is grounds for termination” which hadn't been disclosed to me until then, even though I had a written doctor's note ready and explained that this was a symptom of my disability that THEY willingly hired me after having fully disclosed each and every symptom and exactly how it will affect my attendance, work capabilities and everything I possibly could to help prepare them for what to do if I have a flare-up during work and how they can help me get by. Yes, I know it was inconvenient, but I made them as aware as possible that these inconvenient moments would most likely happen and they should have coverage ready. They seemed to accommodate well to that and the rest of my disability at first and had no issues.

This really sucks. I don't think I would have wanted to work for them anyway, but they seemed very accommodating at first. God, I'm so tired. Truly 5-star nursing home in my city… to everyone except employees lmao

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