
Fired For Being Upset

I’ll try to keep this short, even if it’s not. I ran a farm. The poultry caught an illness that meant they all had to die (one of those nightmare scenarios brought in by a wild bird, bit hard to avoid.) So, naturally I was upset. I spent $30k of my own money and 3 years of my life building up friendly, beautiful breeding stock. I raised every bird myself, most from eggs. I understood the need for culling on a professional level, but that didn’t stop the hurt of losing them. I was additionally upset, because the org lead and my coworker had been making big decisions without me— so overall, I was feeling burnt out and unwanted. I stayed professional though. I just wasn’t as cheerful as I had been. Then one morning I woke around 5 AM to a group text from the org lead (boss) that…

I’ll try to keep this short, even if it’s not.

I ran a farm. The poultry caught an illness that meant they all had to die (one of those nightmare scenarios brought in by a wild bird, bit hard to avoid.)

So, naturally I was upset. I spent $30k of my own money and 3 years of my life building up friendly, beautiful breeding stock. I raised every bird myself, most from eggs. I understood the need for culling on a professional level, but that didn’t stop the hurt of losing them. I was additionally upset, because the org lead and my coworker had been making big decisions without me— so overall, I was feeling burnt out and unwanted. I stayed professional though. I just wasn’t as cheerful as I had been.

Then one morning I woke around 5 AM to a group text from the org lead (boss) that included my coworker, and two of the office/HR ladies. That was weird. The boss said she wanted to “clear the air.”

I told her I had appointments (because I did,) and couldn’t make it. She insisted we make time that day anyway, but I literally couldn’t, so instead I explained what I was upset about. My birds, my project, was being killed, and I wasn’t even included in the discussions about it.

Boss then went into my private inbox and freaked out on me for calling her a petty gossip (I never said anything like that,) and got angry at me for being upset. She then declared I was on leave until I would meet with her.

I flat out told her this was manipulative. Then I notified my coworkers that I was on involuntary leave and would see them after the holiday weekend.

She proceeded to fire me, citing “negative interactions.” She also reported my personal at-home birds to the government in an attempt to get them killed too.

A few days later she tried to get me to sign an NDA with no offer of severance when she realized I have screenshots of her admitting to racial discrimination in hiring, illegal meat sales, and inappropriate use of federal funds. I refused to sign.

I’m still angry, so I haven’t done anything yet, but what the hell should I even do? I didn’t deserve to be fired, especially not for a perfectly normal emotional reaction to losing so much at once. I don’t know if I should report. It would put my coworkers out of work, and it’s not their fault this woman went berserk.

Tl,dr: Boss has a fit over something I didn’t say, and fired me, but didn’t realize until afterwards that I can get her entire org shut down. Now I need to know what I should do, if anything. I’m still too emotional to decide on my own.

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