
Fired for garnishment

Yesterday I was fired after 10 years with my company (group of hospitals). I believe I was fired because I discovered policies that HR and CFO did not follow in regards to employee hospital bills. These policies are in place to keep things like my situation happening to employees. Everything has gotten so expensive that living with 25% of my paycheck being garnished was too much to survive. The Code of Conduct for our company says I can address compliance issues with my direct supervisor, which I did. I requested a meeting to discuss a 125% increase in work load with no help, as well as an honest discussion about how an employee falls through the cracks regarding policies and garnishments. The meeting was with my boss, HR manager, and HR director. The HR manager blew a gasket and said, “You signed for a service with the hospital, didn't pay…

Yesterday I was fired after 10 years with my company (group of hospitals). I believe I was fired because I discovered policies that HR and CFO did not follow in regards to employee hospital bills. These policies are in place to keep things like my situation happening to employees.

Everything has gotten so expensive that living with 25% of my paycheck being garnished was too much to survive. The Code of Conduct for our company says I can address compliance issues with my direct supervisor, which I did. I requested a meeting to discuss a 125% increase in work load with no help, as well as an honest discussion about how an employee falls through the cracks regarding policies and garnishments.

The meeting was with my boss, HR manager, and HR director. The HR manager blew a gasket and said, “You signed for a service with the hospital, didn't pay your bill, and now what us to pay you back?”. I told her she was being extremely accusatory and disrespectful of the situation. She had to leave the room and the director took over. The manager eventually came back, said she wasn't comfortable with any of this, and fired me.

The hospital bill was a $28k wrist surgery. The hospital sold my account to a 3rd party instead of following policy. As of my last paycheck, I was still being garnished 25% and had paid $31k.

I'm filling for unemployment tomorrow and applying for jobs, just I can't help but feel this was retaliation for bringing it up and am looking for resources to fight back. I think the HR manager got caught not doing her job and fired me for it. I have some evidence but they termed me and cut access before I could collect emails showing communication with the business office and my boss. I feel taken advantage of and spit on with the firering and am lost. Any resources or literature would be greatly appreciated.

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