
Fired for “Time fraud”

So, I have like 10+ years in call center experience and got hired about 5 months back at a 'collections' call center that is a law firm that handles it. The first thing I thought was odd is that the agents had zero metrics to meet. I mean literally no stats whatsoever. Next was the way they promoted and hired, it seemed to be only experience based needed to move around unless they liked you. But, I digress in used to call centers I didn't really care. Things came to a when the entire call center and most the office go on a company cruise. So, I'm the only one left and the days their gone which is 2, I have to mandatory work and from my 10am – 6pm shift: to an 8am – 5pm shift. On the last day I get in late and submit a time card…

So, I have like 10+ years in call center experience and got hired about 5 months back at a 'collections' call center that is a law firm that handles it. The first thing I thought was odd is that the agents had zero metrics to meet. I mean literally no stats whatsoever. Next was the way they promoted and hired, it seemed to be only experience based needed to move around unless they liked you. But, I digress in used to call centers I didn't really care. Things came to a when the entire call center and most the office go on a company cruise. So, I'm the only one left and the days their gone which is 2, I have to mandatory work and from my 10am – 6pm shift: to an 8am – 5pm shift. On the last day I get in late and submit a time card correction, which has to be reviewed and approved by a manager. Something I've done numerous times and my manager would always ask me what happened during the times before they made corrections. Everyone gets back and then 4 days after, my manager is out Friday. Which isn't weird but what was weird was me getting called into hr with another manager of another department to be told I'm being terminated immediately for time card fraud. They asked me if I knew what happend and I explained I thought I was supposed to submit a correction and why did this not warrant a write up.the manager who was there said they were told 5 minutes before that this was happening and didn't know why. Meanwhile HR goes nope there are no corrections just termination. I just thought it was super shady that I was just let go when the last person who was got a lot of coaching and corrections before termination. But now I hate work and working more than ever. I'm really rooting for societal collapse.

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