
Fired from my 22nd job in a period of 10 years

I’m 27 and have had an assortment of jobs. Predominantly retail and some office jobs. None fitted me except for the retail but it never paid enough. I recently got fired from a job for not being focused enough or taking out the wrong equipment for the job which lead to my termination after 2 weeks. I was more frustrated that it was some what a pattern being fired from a job in a short period of time, seeing a therapist but being on a waitlist for 6 months for a cognitive ADHD test didnt help the situation but I know something is wrong. Often when I am taught something I only retain 40% and the rest is a struggle for me. Supportive workplaces, as what they think they’re doing dont actually help instead become frustrated over ones ability. Its the “come to my office we need to chat”, anxiety…

I’m 27 and have had an assortment of jobs.
Predominantly retail and some office jobs. None fitted me except for the retail but it never paid enough. I recently got fired from a job for not being focused enough or taking out the wrong equipment for the job which lead to my termination after 2 weeks.

I was more frustrated that it was some what a pattern being fired from a job in a short period of time, seeing a therapist but being on a waitlist for 6 months for a cognitive ADHD
test didnt help the situation but I know something is wrong. Often when I am taught something I only retain 40% and the rest is a struggle for me. Supportive workplaces, as what they think they’re doing dont actually help instead become frustrated over ones ability. Its the “come to my office we need to chat”, anxiety that gets me Its a false flag of a “friendly environment”. I dont know what job I’m good at now. I seem to jump to different jobs but all the same outcomes. Longest job I’ve had is a nightfill job for 3 years but was 2 shifts a week.
I tried fulltime but was very draining and limited time. When I did get fired, I felt this sense of relief that I didn’t need to work anymore but felt guilty that everyone else does. I felt free to do whatever, sit at the park, chill out, with a few thousand to my name. The whole idea of work is to get paid using your time. I tried freelancing but it costs.

Its a negative cause and effect not being able to live normally. No job means no money which cant support costly hobbies and leads to cheap unhealthy takeout decisions for food, bills
cant afford fuel for a car, cant afford studies, no relationship but at least at home supported by parents. But I don’t know how other 27 year olds have it together.

I just dont like where im at in life.

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