
Fired last month

I don't exactly know what the point of this post is? I guess I just wanna vent. The restaurant I worked for as a cook was acquired by new ownership who began to institute lots of changes almost immediately after our introduction to them, where they quite literally stated “we're just the money people, we won't change anything.” One of their main objectives was putting out a news article stating the place I worked for wasn't going to shut down, something they knew would attract a ton of business. They reassured us that they'd make sure we were fully staffed (been operating on a skeleton crew for the past year) before releasing said article. They hired exactly zero cooks, which led to the kitchen staff being completely slammed and unprepared for so many people every day. As the only person speaking about the blatant lies and changes that only served…

I don't exactly know what the point of this post is? I guess I just wanna vent. The restaurant I worked for as a cook was acquired by new ownership who began to institute lots of changes almost immediately after our introduction to them, where they quite literally stated “we're just the money people, we won't change anything.”

One of their main objectives was putting out a news article stating the place I worked for wasn't going to shut down, something they knew would attract a ton of business. They reassured us that they'd make sure we were fully staffed (been operating on a skeleton crew for the past year) before releasing said article. They hired exactly zero cooks, which led to the kitchen staff being completely slammed and unprepared for so many people every day.

As the only person speaking about the blatant lies and changes that only served the owners, I was cut loose. I took a mental health day off, and I was someone that called out maybe twice a year. It wasn't something I regularly did. They used that as an excuse to claim I was unreliable and got rid of me.

It just sucks that my entire livelihood was taken from me on the whim of a bunch of egotistical jackasses that saw me as an obstacle to their profit and not as a person.

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