
Fired me and won’t leave me alone

Frequent lurker first time poster here. Looking for advice. There’s a lot to this but basically I’m a cabinetmaker that moved to a new state a few months ago. I’ve done high end cabinets for years so I know what I’m doing. When I moved I found a tiny shop to work for and everything was fine. He was paying me a decent wage but I slowly started to see this guy for who he actually is. A couple of weeks ago he really started on on me. Telling me I was costing him money bc it took me one minute to do this instead of 30 seconds or bc I spent 2 minutes running to the restroom. Then he disrespected me and I didn’t call him out. Should have. But I didn’t. I just bitched about it. Next incident was him accusing me of losing two little “points” that…

Frequent lurker first time poster here. Looking for advice.

There’s a lot to this but basically I’m a cabinetmaker that moved to a new state a few months ago. I’ve done high end cabinets for years so I know what I’m doing.

When I moved I found a tiny shop to work for and everything was fine. He was paying me a decent wage but I slowly started to see this guy for who he actually is.

A couple of weeks ago he really started on on me. Telling me I was costing him money bc it took me one minute to do this instead of 30 seconds or bc I spent 2 minutes running to the restroom.

Then he disrespected me and I didn’t call him out. Should have. But I didn’t. I just bitched about it.

Next incident was him accusing me of losing two little “points” that we use for installing. I got a big long email about time wasted and blah blah. The points were in the fucking bag with him. At the job site. And when I found them he still didn’t acknowledge that they were there.

I called him out and the following Monday I drove 45 minutes in to work to be fired and belittled by a small little man. I gathered my stuff and told him how I felt then left.

Should have been the end of it but it’s not.

I took my family to California for a few days to decompress before the job search. I received an email from him accusing me of stealing a special tool from him. I’m not a thief. I didn’t even respond.

What I did do is message the other employee a copy of the email so she could see the person she is dealing with bc she knows me. And knows I wouldn’t do that.

I received another email that I’m assuming was him apologizing for being a dick but I refused to read it bc it would be a loaded apology. I said nothing.

Then yesterday I get an email that is him verbally assaulting me and putting me down. So completely inappropriate and unprofessional. Calling me names and shit. It’s so shitty. I just want to be left alone.

What recourse do I have here if any?

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