
Fired out of the blue

Walked into work yesterday only to be fired out of the blue “without cause” after working for this employer for over two years. The timing couldn’t be more bizarre. My team just finished going through a restructure. The company was split into three business units, with me and two colleagues leading each of the three units. Last week we had an all-hands meeting where my picture was up on a screen as the VP formally announced the new structure. Late last week, the VP also sent an email to accounting to get the ball rolling on giving me signing authority to approve my unit’s invoices. It looked like everything was moving along nicely. Then Monday – randomly fired with some generic blah blah about moving in another direction. Expressly told that it wasn’t a performance issue. (VP who fired me often complimented my work since taking over our department in…

Walked into work yesterday only to be fired out of the blue “without cause” after working for this employer for over two years.

The timing couldn’t be more bizarre. My team just finished going through a restructure. The company was split into three business units, with me and two colleagues leading each of the three units. Last week we had an all-hands meeting where my picture was up on a screen as the VP formally announced the new structure. Late last week, the VP also sent an email to accounting to get the ball rolling on giving me signing authority to approve my unit’s invoices. It looked like everything was moving along nicely.

Then Monday – randomly fired with some generic blah blah about moving in another direction. Expressly told that it wasn’t a performance issue. (VP who fired me often complimented my work since taking over our department in the summer.)

Just affirms to me that modern work life, where one individual holds your livelihood in their hands and can destroy that on a whim, is total crap.

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