
Fired over medical need (on video) lol

Pretty quick, I got fired for attendance due the health and it really wasnt anything, just averaged a 35-40 hour week. My job hired me with the condition, saying theyd make accomodations. Nothing was on file (mom and pop) and I worked 1.5 years w/o it ever being an issue. CEO decided to suddenly get strict which np his company, and I sent an appeal for an official acomodation. This isnt ADHD or headaches; I have a gastrointestinal condition in which my body doesnt digest food properly, diagnosed in 2020. They said they were happy to acomodate by just making me part time, (tot fine) and gave me until Sept 19th to get my updated paperwork from doctor. They fired me today, saying my attendance was why and job performance. After 1.5 years, my review in March 2023 was “over satisfactory” because despite feeling like I have mild food poisoning…

Pretty quick, I got fired for attendance due the health and it really wasnt anything, just averaged a 35-40 hour week. My job hired me with the condition, saying theyd make accomodations. Nothing was on file (mom and pop) and I worked 1.5 years w/o it ever being an issue.

CEO decided to suddenly get strict which np his company, and I sent an appeal for an official acomodation. This isnt ADHD or headaches; I have a gastrointestinal condition in which my body doesnt digest food properly, diagnosed in 2020. They said they were happy to acomodate by just making me part time, (tot fine) and gave me until Sept 19th to get my updated paperwork from doctor.

They fired me today, saying my attendance was why and job performance. After 1.5 years, my review in March 2023 was “over satisfactory” because despite feeling like I have mild food poisoning often (with vomitting and the runs ) and just using restroom as needed, I got all my work done.

Ya'll are gonna flip – so the software we use has a feature that shows all the work an employee does in a range of dates. I had said “I complete about 800-1000 of our invoice bills a month,” and printed out from that feature to prove it…on 9/2, I was informed via the software…that my manager had disabled us from using that feature!

In fact they told us to use it to see our quotas lol.

They did this to hide the hundreds of billing things I did, so they could lie to the CEO about how much I work, them being my manager and supervisor.

Keep in mind I worked well with them for 1.5 years, never any issues, and they thanked me for always doing so much.

I really dunno why they fired me except I had a higher wage than 3 of the newer employees. But aint it illegal to to fire someone due to medical lol?

Im well to do, I do free lance work so it was no problem but it was just weird af. I mean having to disable a once public feature to all employees so we can't prove how much we work? I fortunately had pulled record via this feature for the past 3 months and my manager was surprised to see that in the firing today. Like fr, Im actually just tryna work with my disease-guts 🤣

The video is 20 mins long so I cant post but all on video.

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