
Fired -should I respond to email of termination?

I was just fired and sent an email of termination explaining why. Would you suggest I respond to the claims and defend myself, or just handle all defense through the unemployment process? I've already handled the unemployment claim and everything, just wondering what I should do with the email, if anything at all. I don't want my silence to insennuate that the claims made against me are accurate, but I don't believe that the unemployment office would see that as the case. Thoughts?

I was just fired and sent an email of termination explaining why. Would you suggest I respond to the claims and defend myself, or just handle all defense through the unemployment process?

I've already handled the unemployment claim and everything, just wondering what I should do with the email, if anything at all. I don't want my silence to insennuate that the claims made against me are accurate, but I don't believe that the unemployment office would see that as the case.


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