
Fired with no prior warning or clear reason

I can't sleep thinking about what I could have possibly done so wrong that I got fired without warning. I never had any complaints or talking-tos about my performance, conduct, behavior, anything. I just recently got a raise of $2/hour. I've had nothing but praise about my performance. Yet, Tuesday morning they fired me. I practically begged to know why. All I could get out of HR were vague answers about conduct as a professional. I have put so much into this position and this company and it was all a fucking waste. I didn't like the company anyways, but I really didn't see this coming. They've kept on SO many people that have literally done things like steal money or lie about worked hours. I know I'm a stranger to you all and you have no reason to believe me but the worst thing I've done while being employed…

I can't sleep thinking about what I could have possibly done so wrong that I got fired without warning. I never had any complaints or talking-tos about my performance, conduct, behavior, anything. I just recently got a raise of $2/hour. I've had nothing but praise about my performance. Yet, Tuesday morning they fired me.

I practically begged to know why. All I could get out of HR were vague answers about conduct as a professional. I have put so much into this position and this company and it was all a fucking waste. I didn't like the company anyways, but I really didn't see this coming. They've kept on SO many people that have literally done things like steal money or lie about worked hours.

I know I'm a stranger to you all and you have no reason to believe me but the worst thing I've done while being employed there was be late by 5 minutes, max.

Just ranting. Already applied for unemployment and 20+ other jobs. This is just such a smack in the face.

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