
First Interview – Red Flag

During my first interview, the founder of this startup said “I don’t want someone who will set foot outside the door at 17:00 sharp.“ She said this was her one pet peeve and that she doesn’t get why everyone in my country (she’s not from here) avoids staying longer at work. She basically said that if I leave on time, that means I’m not serious about the job. Well I’m very serious about paying my bills but I can’t imagine working for her and feeling like everyone is waiting to see what time I will leave. What did she expect? That I would agree with her?

During my first interview, the founder of this startup said “I don’t want someone who will set foot outside the door at 17:00 sharp.“ She said this was her one pet peeve and that she doesn’t get why everyone in my country (she’s not from here) avoids staying longer at work. She basically said that if I leave on time, that means I’m not serious about the job.

Well I’m very serious about paying my bills but I can’t imagine working for her and feeling like everyone is waiting to see what time I will leave. What did she expect? That I would agree with her?

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