
First time getting fired

So, picture this: I'm working at this recycling joint on the West Coast, right? We've got this cool policy where if we snag a MacBook or whatever from the electronics drop-off, we gotta replace it with our own gear – laptop for laptop, Xbox for Xbox. Naturally, I decided to go big, rolled up in my buddy's truck, upgraded my whole setup, and the warehouse owner was cheering me on. Then, cue the next day, and someone unloads these massive encorp bags full of bargain basement and AliExpress goodies. Last day before the weekend, so I'm using the forklift like a champ, stacking those bags for Monday sorting. Smooth sailing, until I decide to play Jenga with a pallet of used monitors on top. Suddenly, boom! Brown gas, white smoke, and I'm gasping for air. Turns out, one of those encorp bags was a surprise party of tiny fire…

So, picture this: I'm working at this recycling joint on the West Coast, right? We've got this cool policy where if we snag a MacBook or whatever from the electronics drop-off, we gotta replace it with our own gear – laptop for laptop, Xbox for Xbox. Naturally, I decided to go big, rolled up in my buddy's truck, upgraded my whole setup, and the warehouse owner was cheering me on.

Then, cue the next day, and someone unloads these massive encorp bags full of bargain basement and AliExpress goodies. Last day before the weekend, so I'm using the forklift like a champ, stacking those bags for Monday sorting. Smooth sailing, until I decide to play Jenga with a pallet of used monitors on top. Suddenly, boom! Brown gas, white smoke, and I'm gasping for air.

Turns out, one of those encorp bags was a surprise party of tiny fire extinguishers and bear spray. I bail for the weekend, thinking it's all good, only to return Monday and find out I'm canned for not following a bunch of rules I signed off on months ago. No more free electronics, but hey, at least I left with a story that's pure workplace comedy gold.

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