
First time in my life I’ve had health insurance now I have to drop it.

This was the first time I've even been insured. Every other company I've ever worked for offered plans for single individual but It was always outrageous. This year I finally got insured. Other then finally get new glasses after 6 years I did nothing with it. They lied to me trendously about what was covered and I somehow had a 100 dollar co pay to just get an eye exam on top of my insurance. Well we just now had a meeting about yearly benefits. I only have medical basic and eye basic it was 70 a week which seemed great but now its jumping up to 375 a week for indivial thats more than half my take home a week. I'm almost 30 don't smoke ( not even weed anymore) underweight no health problem and its still almost 400 a week. I guess I'm going to have to hope…

This was the first time I've even been insured. Every other company I've ever worked for offered plans for single individual but It was always outrageous. This year I finally got insured. Other then finally get new glasses after 6 years I did nothing with it. They lied to me trendously about what was covered and I somehow had a 100 dollar co pay to just get an eye exam on top of my insurance. Well we just now had a meeting about yearly benefits. I only have medical basic and eye basic it was 70 a week which seemed great but now its jumping up to 375 a week for indivial thats more than half my take home a week. I'm almost 30 don't smoke ( not even weed anymore) underweight no health problem and its still almost 400 a week. I guess I'm going to have to hope nothing bad happens to me because I can't afford insurance.

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