
Flat rate pay sucks and techs shouldn’t be ok with it.

Not a lot of people talk about this, especially since it's very essentially To those who don't know, the automovtie industry the pay is mostly flat rate or by the job. For example; replacing front pads and rotors will pay you an hour. You'll still get paid for that hour if you get it done in 10 minutes. But if it takes you 2 hours to replace it because the parts were wrong or it's really rusty you still get paid for that hour. Now say its a hub bearing that pays an hour and the car is serverly rusty and takes 4 hours. You still get paid for that hour despite spending all that time trying to get it out. It mostly benefits techs that been in the field for over 5 years. The benefits aren't too great and the pay is anywhere between 18 and 24 and you…

Not a lot of people talk about this, especially since it's very essentially

To those who don't know, the automovtie industry the pay is mostly flat rate or by the job. For example; replacing front pads and rotors will pay you an hour. You'll still get paid for that hour if you get it done in 10 minutes. But if it takes you 2 hours to replace it because the parts were wrong or it's really rusty you still get paid for that hour. Now say its a hub bearing that pays an hour and the car is serverly rusty and takes 4 hours. You still get paid for that hour despite spending all that time trying to get it out.

It mostly benefits techs that been in the field for over 5 years. The benefits aren't too great and the pay is anywhere between 18 and 24 and you have to invest in your tools that range in 500 to as high as 30k. Even with all your ASE certifications, the pay range is around 24-28 for your typical chain shop. It might be higher at a local mom and pop.

A lot of these chain shops and dealerships have a tech shortage because of lack of interest from the younger generation and pay. They will tell you to work harder but having pay checks that fluctuates from a 60 hour paycheck then 40 then to 35 because of management or it's a slow season just creates more stress on top of the already stressful environment. A lot of dealerships and chain shops are losing good techs because of it and they end up going to diesel or fleet maintenance which pays hourly and offer better benefits. It's also the reason why cars are taking longer to complete. So when a dealer or shop tries to upsell you, it's the tech trying to make hours. It's a crap system that really beneficial if you're flagging over 70 hours and just leaves you angry, stressed and overall hating certain car brands.

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