So last week I had two doctors appointments. One of them I was gone for 3 hours and the other I was gone for 2.
My boss had told me to try and flex the hours. For some context it’s normal 9-5 hours.
I came in at 7:30 on two of the days, and a little before 8 the other three days. I got 40 hours with an hour and a half of overtime.
I texted them this morning about another appointment I had, and they brought up how “some flex time can be done in the mornings, but should mostly be done after 5 since more customers are available to talk after 5”
I still made up the hours, more than actually, so why does it matter??
They’re part of the goddamn reason I have therapy appointments so much.
I want to find another job so bad, not to mention my coworker who is on the same level as me is making $7 more than me.
How should I even respond? I haven’t said anything yet bc I don’t even know how to respond to that.