
FML. Not only I get my money cut by both state & gov, now the City is fines me big time (CA/LA)

In Los Angeles, there's this thing called BTRC or businesstaxr registration. I worked a couple of odd jobs such as being a door dasher for four years but they never really amounted to anything big. I also reported everything I earned filing under1099. Technically as an independent contractor, we are our own business. But in LA.. you must also pay the city a bit for their cut. I'm not a complaining type but IDK why they’d be bothering me about my independent contractor stuff 4 years after the fact seems a little sketchy and predatory to be honest.. Last but not the least, all my hustle side gig stuff when all the cuts are made, literally just equates into me working $7 per hour. Oh, but I was young and thought the hustle and grind culture was cool!! Why do they make it so hard for us to make just…

In Los Angeles, there's this thing called BTRC or businesstaxr registration.

I worked a couple of odd jobs such as being a door dasher for four years but they never really amounted to anything big. I also reported everything I earned filing under1099. Technically as an independent contractor, we are our own business. But in LA.. you must also pay the city a bit for their cut.

I'm not a complaining type but IDK why they’d be bothering me about my independent contractor stuff 4 years after the fact seems a little sketchy and predatory to be honest..

Last but not the least, all my hustle side gig stuff when all the cuts are made, literally just equates into me working $7 per hour. Oh, but I was young and thought the hustle and grind culture was cool!! Why do they make it so hard for us to make just a little bit of spare change? Going after the ones who put up their little etsy store and only making $500. It's draining and frustrating.

Now I have to pay 11 grand in fines. I'm trying to see if anyone has ever had success for a waiver for the fees, because I'm for sure cannot pay for this high amount of a fine. Anyone else in LA got slapped with this? I reported everything even if they paid me by cash, maybe not knowing anything about the BTRC is completely my fault?

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