
FMLA Question…

So has anyone filed a FMLA complaint with the DOL before? What was your experience and how long did the investigating take? I filed back in April, they closed it in July with no violations found. I was livid because I literally have tapes that point to a different conclusion and evidence. I wrote my senators and the White House and gave them everything I had. The DOL called me in August stating they were reopening the investigation with another investigator. My first and only contact with the new investigator was not great, his literal first question was, “why don't you just find another job and leave?” Of course I reported that. I have not heard anything since but I know they have been interviewing others, my current coworker told me they talked to her and afterwards she stated she was contacted by our university's legal team to not speak…

So has anyone filed a FMLA complaint with the DOL before?
What was your experience and how long did the investigating take?
I filed back in April, they closed it in July with no violations found.
I was livid because I literally have tapes that point to a different conclusion and evidence. I wrote my senators and the White House and gave them everything I had. The DOL called me in August stating they were reopening the investigation with another investigator.

My first and only contact with the new investigator was not great, his literal first question was, “why don't you just find another job and leave?” Of course I reported that. I have not heard anything since but I know they have been interviewing others, my current coworker told me they talked to her and afterwards she stated she was contacted by our university's legal team to not speak with the DOL unless an attorney is present. She told them she already had and several other former co-workers have been interviewed as well.

I also noticed for the first time in 12 years I've worked here that we have giant federal government know your rights and discrimination in the workplace posters in our offices and other offices have been told to put them up as well.

All this leads me to ask, what's taking so long and do these appearances of those door sized posters mean anything in the last two weeks?

I won't type out my story because it's crazy long but why advice would be appreciated!

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