
Food: How do you get through the day?

So I've gotten myself in a position where my schedule doesn't match my family schedule, there are dietary restrictions, and etc. I usually miss breakfast, usually eat a small lunch, and then end up having a pretty large dinner. I know this isn't good, it's basically the reverse of what is suggested. I keep away from acidic foods, have been steering clear of tomatoes and coffee for years. Can't do cow milk. Since I'm gone during normal dinner time, my wife makes the things she and her mom like, which are generally tomato based items. How do you all stay healthy, blood sugars at the right level, and keep ready to face the perils of the workday? Do you have any recommendations based on my limitations?

So I've gotten myself in a position where my schedule doesn't match my family schedule, there are dietary restrictions, and etc. I usually miss breakfast, usually eat a small lunch, and then end up having a pretty large dinner. I know this isn't good, it's basically the reverse of what is suggested. I keep away from acidic foods, have been steering clear of tomatoes and coffee for years. Can't do cow milk. Since I'm gone during normal dinner time, my wife makes the things she and her mom like, which are generally tomato based items.

How do you all stay healthy, blood sugars at the right level, and keep ready to face the perils of the workday? Do you have any recommendations based on my limitations?

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