
For factory/manufacturing people- Did you get out? How?

I've been in manufacturing basically all of my working life. I just turned 40. I get paid maybe $10 an hour more than when I started like over 15 years ago. In 2016 I went to school for welding. There weren't any decent jobs doing that where I lived so I went back to the place I left. I'm welding now but even with all that work experience, it hasn't seemed to benefit me in any way. I want out and I have no idea what to do anymore. I don't want to be sweating and getting burned all day for pretty close to nothing. I may look into a community college program that's medical related or something. Maybe even something technology based. It just seems almost insurmountable to start over again. How did you get out of this line of work? What do you do now?

I've been in manufacturing basically all of my working life. I just turned 40. I get paid maybe $10 an hour more than when I started like over 15 years ago. In 2016 I went to school for welding. There weren't any decent jobs doing that where I lived so I went back to the place I left. I'm welding now but even with all that work experience, it hasn't seemed to benefit me in any way. I want out and I have no idea what to do anymore. I don't want to be sweating and getting burned all day for pretty close to nothing. I may look into a community college program that's medical related or something. Maybe even something technology based. It just seems almost insurmountable to start over again. How did you get out of this line of work? What do you do now?

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