
For real? You want me to list out EVERY job I have worked for the past 10 years, plus address, plus start and ending dates TO THE DAY?

Yeah, there was that one place I noped the fuck out of 5 or so years ago in a city that’s a two-and-a-half hour drive away. I’ll talk about it if you ask me if I’ve ever quit, but what’s the point of asking to fill out all this information about it? And what’s the point of asking “may we contact this employer” at the end after asking all the info?

Yeah, there was that one place I noped the fuck out of 5 or so years ago in a city that’s a two-and-a-half hour drive away.

I’ll talk about it if you ask me if I’ve ever quit, but what’s the point of asking to fill out all this information about it?

And what’s the point of asking “may we contact this employer” at the end after asking all the info?

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