
For the Americans, a general strike should begin on June 1st

The deadline for default is closing fast, and they are fighting over cutting benefits for the working class. Regardless of if we default or don't, I think that the first of June should mark the start of a general strike. Don't ask me “why?”, “where did you hear this?”, or “what makes you think?”. All the evidence and proof that it is time has surrounded us for years. We already have our justification. Everyone can't keep asking “what event will it take to push it over the edge?” Every time something happens, people across every platform post about the event, complain about it, and say something along the lines of “we are suffering, when will somebody do something?” Across many platforms we have laid kindling for years, if we want change, we have to change and start lighting some fires. (Figuratively of course) Take this as a cue to start…

The deadline for default is closing fast, and they are fighting over cutting benefits for the working class. Regardless of if we default or don't, I think that the first of June should mark the start of a general strike. Don't ask me “why?”, “where did you hear this?”, or “what makes you think?”. All the evidence and proof that it is time has surrounded us for years. We already have our justification. Everyone can't keep asking “what event will it take to push it over the edge?” Every time something happens, people across every platform post about the event, complain about it, and say something along the lines of “we are suffering, when will somebody do something?” Across many platforms we have laid kindling for years, if we want change, we have to change and start lighting some fires. (Figuratively of course)

Take this as a cue to start spreading information. This is not a “repost me for clout”, I do not care about seeing reposts of my posts, I care a lot more about starting a movement that should have started months ago. Stop asking, start acting. June 1st

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