
For those of you who started a union at your company, how did the initial negotiations go?

I have recently been talking to my coworkers about unionizing, and most of them are on board. There is some hesitancy in some people, even ones who agree that it would probably improve our work conditions and our laughable pay. Most of this is centered around trying to join a preexisting union (Teamsters or others that work with our field) and what that would limit us to. Most people like our merit based approach to promotions instead of strictly based on time at the company, and they are worried that by joining a larger union, some of the aspects of management they enjoy will automatically change. I haven't really read anything that says that's necessarily true or not, but I also don't have any experience organizing. I'm just trying to make a change in my field of work. I also think my coworkers would be more comfortable if we started…

I have recently been talking to my coworkers about unionizing, and most of them are on board. There is some hesitancy in some people, even ones who agree that it would probably improve our work conditions and our laughable pay. Most of this is centered around trying to join a preexisting union (Teamsters or others that work with our field) and what that would limit us to. Most people like our merit based approach to promotions instead of strictly based on time at the company, and they are worried that by joining a larger union, some of the aspects of management they enjoy will automatically change. I haven't really read anything that says that's necessarily true or not, but I also don't have any experience organizing. I'm just trying to make a change in my field of work.

I also think my coworkers would be more comfortable if we started our own union instead of joining a larger one. I fully support that, and I'd love to be the one leading the organizing effort. But, like I said, I don't have any organizing experience, so I'm reaching out to get more specific information about the process. I've read that a bunch of different aspects of the job are covered in the initial negotiations, but I don't know what these topics COULD even cover. Of course, there would be talk of wages, OT, PTO/Sick policy, hazard pay, but I know those don't cover everything.

Can anyone tell me how the initial negotiations went for them, and what aspects of the job were covered? What were some of the topics that were most important to you? What was a part of the negotiation that most folks wouldn't think of? Any advice would be appreciated!

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