
For those who left their desk jobs for Unions/Trades work, did you regret it/or have any advice for those wanting to make the switch?

Obligatory “This post is made for my BF who doesn't use Reddit, but knows of it”. My BF has a possible in for a labor union, and he has all sorts of anxiety. He is in a “Good Job” that doesn't pay enough for California prices, and misses the days of when he used to do labor work. (Contractor that would build offices for random companies) His current job has lead him to a downward spiral mentally. He hates corporate life. But also wants to hear opinions/advice/ or even a “I didn't know this till I joined” from anyone who has been in his shoes. Even if you didnt have a desk job, but part of a union. Anyone willing to give your 2 cents on the matter? If it matters, he's still young. In his mid-20s.

Obligatory “This post is made for my BF who doesn't use Reddit, but knows of it”.

My BF has a possible in for a labor union, and he has all sorts of anxiety. He is in a “Good Job” that doesn't pay enough for California prices, and misses the days of when he used to do labor work. (Contractor that would build offices for random companies)

His current job has lead him to a downward spiral mentally. He hates corporate life.

But also wants to hear opinions/advice/ or even a “I didn't know this till I joined” from anyone who has been in his shoes. Even if you didnt have a desk job, but part of a union. Anyone willing to give your 2 cents on the matter?

If it matters, he's still young. In his mid-20s.

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