
Force overtime

Hello, I work for a security company. My normal hours are 7 A.M to 3 P.M. Lately every weekend I have been forced over to do security for a concert. The concerts go until midnight. But here’s the kicker, the concerts start at different times. For example one day they might start at 4PM-midnight and the next 6PM to midnight. You do not start getting paid until the concert starts. Yesterday I got forced over so I got off work at 3 and had to hang around for an hour, today I got forced over again except this time the concert doesn’t start till 6. This means I have to hang around unpaid for 3 hours. It also means I do not have 8 hours between the end of my overtime shift and start of my next shift. I consider this a safety issue. I also think it is unfair…

Hello, I work for a security company. My normal hours are 7 A.M to 3 P.M.

Lately every weekend I have been forced over to do security for a concert. The concerts go until midnight. But here’s the kicker, the concerts start at different times. For example one day they might start at 4PM-midnight and the next 6PM to midnight. You do not start getting paid until the concert starts. Yesterday I got forced over so I got off work at 3 and had to hang around for an hour, today I got forced over again except this time the concert doesn’t start till 6. This means I have to hang around unpaid for 3 hours. It also means I do not have 8 hours between the end of my overtime shift and start of my next shift. I consider this a safety issue. I also think it is unfair as 3 hours is such a short time it’s not like I’m going to go home (hour away) and change or do anything that would indicate I’m off the clock.

My question is, is this legal?

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