
Forced a 7 day vacation because my boss retaliated and scheduled me for 6 days after i called out for one shift

My boss decided to start scheduling me (and only me) 6 days a week for the foreseeable future without even directly speaking to me about it. Ofc my schedule is kept perfectly under 40 hrs (literally 38.9 hours) but working 6 days a week. So no OT, no benefits etc. We know this game. When I asked why I'm the only person out of all of the staff who has to work 6 days, I'm told “we can't afford to put anyone else on payroll, it's just how it is” How is that my problem? I hold the belief if you can't afford to keep your business adequately staffed your BUSINESS IS FAILING! The sudden schedule change happened right after I called out one shift a few weeks ago because I was actually shittin my brains out. I worked sick thru both holidays still. I was just going to deal…

My boss decided to start scheduling me (and only me) 6 days a week for the foreseeable future without even directly speaking to me about it. Ofc my schedule is kept perfectly under 40 hrs (literally 38.9 hours) but working 6 days a week. So no OT, no benefits etc. We know this game.

When I asked why I'm the only person out of all of the staff who has to work 6 days, I'm told “we can't afford to put anyone else on payroll, it's just how it is” How is that my problem? I hold the belief if you can't afford to keep your business adequately staffed your BUSINESS IS FAILING!

The sudden schedule change happened right after I called out one shift a few weeks ago because I was actually shittin my brains out. I worked sick thru both holidays still. I was just going to deal with my reality, deal with my boss and their grown adult throwing a temper tantrum and keep doing my shitty lil job bc I'm an adult and we just have to deal with bullshit sometimes. It is what it is, I just need another job. UNTIL last week. I went in for my shift, still sick, and I was getting ready to go on lunch. So I'm literally told “only 10 [minutes] today”. So I had to explain to my boss that I am not waiving my meal, it's a volunteer basis, and labor law dictates I can take a 30 min lunch. Boss finally says “ok it's slow enough you can go”. I wasn't asking for permission to go eat….but okay lol.

For context: in general my workplace plays fast & loose with labor laws, but due to the immigration status of most workers they don't speak up about basic rights. Bosses make us combine our lunch+break (we only get 1 break too) and on days where it's 5-6hr shift they try to force us to forfiet our lunch break. For those unfamiliar, in some US states an employer and employee can enter into a written agreement and the employee can volunteer to waive their meal period on a day to day basis. I know better than this. I don't need a half hour of pay, I'm sitting my ass down and eating. Anyway.

So, the final straw came last Thursday. Which was supposed to be my day off. I'm sick, threw up before my shift, feel like fresh hell and it's about 11am and I'm about to go take my lunch. Then I'm told the dreaded “only 10 today”. I literally stopped in my tracks and said “no, I'm going on lunch” and walked out. Got in my car and immediately called my Dr and got a Dr note for the rest of the week. I enjoyed my new years celebration with my spouse & family and got much needed rest that I should have had anyway.

tl;dr boss wanted to be a funny cunt and only give me one day off a week bc i called out, so I took a whole week off instead and now work is a fuckin zoo bc they're down a whole person 🙂

Well, Happy 2023 everyone. May we all find our path to bountiful endeavors that uplift us from our current situations and release us from our awful employers & managers.

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