
Forced to grin and bear it

This past July I was fed up my former supervisor. The main issues were micro-managing, passive aggressiveness, etc. (The best way to describe him would be someone with OCPD). I had never been written up, disciplined, and I had been previously praised for my hard work. I challenged him in a meeting and eventually it led to him bringing issues up about me that he never addressed previously. (Things that happened over two years prior that were never documented and were never issues at the time) He attempted to drag me through the mud to get me fired. Our board of directors saw through this and I was reassigned to a new supervisor. Fast forward to today, things are going okay. However, my old supervisor jumps at every opportunity to get me in trouble. Most recently, I had told him I didn’t have a moment to talk and was in…

This past July I was fed up my former supervisor. The main issues were micro-managing, passive aggressiveness, etc. (The best way to describe him would be someone with OCPD). I had never been written up, disciplined, and I had been previously praised for my hard work.

I challenged him in a meeting and eventually it led to him bringing issues up about me that he never addressed previously. (Things that happened over two years prior that were never documented and were never issues at the time) He attempted to drag me through the mud to get me fired. Our board of directors saw through this and I was reassigned to a new supervisor.

Fast forward to today, things are going okay. However, my old supervisor jumps at every opportunity to get me in trouble. Most recently, I had told him I didn’t have a moment to talk and was in the middle of something. He took offense to this and immediately told my current supervisor. This isn’t the first time this happened. There have been a few other circumstances where has gone directly to my supervisor if he doesn’t like what I have to say.

My current supervisor does take the complaints with a grain of salt. I will never get in trouble for it. I was told to just do whatever he says even if it’s inconvenient to me. Even if that means dropping everything during a project and hearing him out on a new idea. Does anyone else find this ridiculous?

Should I just quit at this point? My former supervisor isn’t going anywhere since he’s the president’s son.

Tl;dr – Former supervisor is a micromanaging ass who will do anything to get back at me for actually speaking up. Should I quit?

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