
Forced to use PTO when I didn’t ask off.

I am a veterinary technician who works in the internal medicine department. There are two doctors in the department and one of them has taken this next Friday off. The company will not allow the same amount of technicians to be working in the department with only one doctor. We are being asked to take the day off, but we HAVE to use our PTO. I did not ask off for Friday, it is not my problem that one of the doctors took off. I have only a few PTO days left for possible sick days/them also making us use them for holidays. Am I wrong to email a higher up? I understand this isn’t my current managers decision, but this is not okay. I use my PTO for my own time, and we already have to save a lot of it because they make us use it on holidays…

I am a veterinary technician who works in the internal medicine department. There are two doctors in the department and one of them has taken this next Friday off. The company will not allow the same amount of technicians to be working in the department with only one doctor. We are being asked to take the day off, but we HAVE to use our PTO. I did not ask off for Friday, it is not my problem that one of the doctors took off. I have only a few PTO days left for possible sick days/them also making us use them for holidays. Am I wrong to email a higher up? I understand this isn’t my current managers decision, but this is not okay. I use my PTO for my own time, and we already have to save a lot of it because they make us use it on holidays we are closed. I just don’t find it acceptable. My PTO is earned paid time that I get off, not for when someone else decides to take off. Am I being unreasonable?

TLDR: Work is forcing me to use PTO because a doctor I work for took a day off. I did not ask for this day off.

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