
Forgot how badly retail treats employees.

I just took a part-time temp job on the weekends to make a little extra money. It has been a while since I worked in retail, and even longer as anything other then management. I work in an office now and in the grand scheme of things it is a pretty good place. No one times my bathroom breaks or acts like it is the end of the world if I come in at 8:01. I have done one shift to the retail job so far and I will admit being in the position of “I don't NEED this job and can leave anytime I want” is liberating. Like the panic they had to make sure you clock out BEFORE you get your stuff, the break room is 2 steps away and the clock out computer is on the other side of the store? Tough! I was lower management at…

I just took a part-time temp job on the weekends to make a little extra money. It has been a while since I worked in retail, and even longer as anything other then management. I work in an office now and in the grand scheme of things it is a pretty good place. No one times my bathroom breaks or acts like it is the end of the world if I come in at 8:01. I have done one shift to the retail job so far and I will admit being in the position of “I don't NEED this job and can leave anytime I want” is liberating. Like the panic they had to make sure you clock out BEFORE you get your stuff, the break room is 2 steps away and the clock out computer is on the other side of the store? Tough!

I was lower management at a grocery store for a few years before getting an office job nothing big but a little more freedom not a lot but just not tied to a register. But just the retail environment was a little jarring, especially working with a bunch of young people who don't know any different. (Sorry for any formatting issues I am on mobile.)

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