
Forgotten at Work

TL;DR: new job, not being trained and left to do nothing and no clue what to do. I recently started a new position within the same department that I've worked with for the past 5 years. I started on November 1st. It's now the 21st. I've had pretty much no training whatsoever. It's an administrative position and I was told at the interview that I'd have someone alongside me to train me. Sounded good! Got the job, left the old one, and here I am, ready to learn! However… the entire first week I was here, I had no internet. They gave me a work laptop but forgot to include a wifi device. I reached out to IT and my supervisors and no one could give me an ETA when I'd get setup. A whole week later, I got internet. That first week, the most productive thing I did was…

TL;DR: new job, not being trained and left to do nothing and no clue what to do.

I recently started a new position within the same department that I've worked with for the past 5 years.

I started on November 1st. It's now the 21st. I've had pretty much no training whatsoever. It's an administrative position and I was told at the interview that I'd have someone alongside me to train me. Sounded good! Got the job, left the old one, and here I am, ready to learn!

However… the entire first week I was here, I had no internet. They gave me a work laptop but forgot to include a wifi device. I reached out to IT and my supervisors and no one could give me an ETA when I'd get setup. A whole week later, I got internet.

That first week, the most productive thing I did was mop the floors twice in one day and clean out a gross fridge just to DO something to stop the boredom and feel like I was being slightly productive.

As far as training goes, the person I was told that would come train me never did. No idea why that changed even after I reached out to her.

The only training I've went through so far, I was sent up to our headquarters over an hour away twice for a short 4-hour training session (with a nice lady) but I haven't learned much at all.

So, in total, I've been here for 14 working days (112 hours) with only 8 hours of training.

I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. This position has been vacant for a whole year and I feel as if they don't know what to do with me.

I've cried in this office basically every day since I've started because I feel so forgotten, useless, clueless, and overwhelmed.

My supervisors send me emails now and then saying they're only a phone call or text away, and they're all very nice. They'll check up on me in person sometimes too because they know what an isolating place I'm in. But I don't know what they're expecting of me. They keep telling me I'm going to be busy once I learn the job more. But when will that be??

I've had a couple of guys come to me asking for help, or a sign-in sheet for some training class, and I have to apologize and feel like a dumbass and tell them I can't help because I have no ability to get what they want.

I want to go back to my old job. At least I had coworkers nearby who could help me when I needed it. I had supervisors who would take control if a situation got out of hand, or if I had a question. I had work friends. We were a team.

My mental health has been so bad since I started, even though my last job was arguably more stressful and fast paced.

But my husband wants me to keep this job. It's normal office hours and I have weekends off. That's the only benefit in my opinion. My pay raise wasn't even 2k more than my previous position.

I just don't know what to do at this point. I feel like this department and the supervisors really dropped the ball here and I don't know how to advocate for myself or if I should even bother.

Sorry for this long, whiney rant. I have no one else to speak to.

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