
Former employer called for help

My former employer called me the other day to ask if I would help the new guy with his accounts. After years of top performance with little to no support, I decided to leave my job in September. Since no one ever cared enough to learn about my territory, I never put anything into the CRM. They have no clue what I was working on or who my contacts were. Now they have hired someone, with no sales experience, and had the audacity to ask if I would help the new guy get a handle on the territory. It took everything I had not to laugh. I politely reminded them that they could have retained my services, but chose not to do so.

My former employer called me the other day to ask if I would help the new guy with his accounts. After years of top performance with little to no support, I decided to leave my job in September. Since no one ever cared enough to learn about my territory, I never put anything into the CRM. They have no clue what I was working on or who my contacts were. Now they have hired someone, with no sales experience, and had the audacity to ask if I would help the new guy get a handle on the territory. It took everything I had not to laugh. I politely reminded them that they could have retained my services, but chose not to do so.

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