
Former employer messed up payroll and refuses to treat me like a human. Any suggestions?

Picture for context, no I don't care to disclose this person. Here's the story: Recently terminated for performance reasons (failed to hit sales quota) former employer failed to submit my time for the week of the 30th, as you all can see, I was professional not offensive or hostile in any means. I'm in Charlotte, NC the company is based in NC as well (I think) the person in context is a “HR professional III” our “HR dept” is literally an operator who transfers you to other specific groups VMs. What do I even do, they will refuse to answer my question, give an ETA, or even call me by my first name. Called NCDOR, Useless. Any suggestions? Sorry if I come off short, I've never been treated like this from any employer.

Picture for context, no I don't care to disclose this person. Here's the story:

Recently terminated for performance reasons (failed to hit sales quota) former employer failed to submit my time for the week of the 30th, as you all can see, I was professional not offensive or hostile in any means.

I'm in Charlotte, NC the company is based in NC as well (I think) the person in context is a “HR professional III” our “HR dept” is literally an operator who transfers you to other specific groups VMs.

What do I even do, they will refuse to answer my question, give an ETA, or even call me by my first name. Called NCDOR, Useless.

Any suggestions? Sorry if I come off short, I've never been treated like this from any employer.

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