
Found managers ‘burn book’

As title states. this morning when I came to work, we had a new hire so as we do, we have to give all new hires a notebook. So I went to the back to find one and I ended up coming across one that looked empty. There was no name I opened it up just to make sure it was actually empty , and instead, I found five pages of just insults towards me and my other coworkers. Such as “how is this person even a floor lead “ “was this person even trained?” “feels like i’m the only one with a brain” and much much more don’t get me wrong. I’m OK with criticism and I can deal with constructive criticism, but there was absolutely none in this book. It was literally just pages of her making fun of everyone. Against my better judgment, I did keep reading…

As title states.

this morning when I came to work, we had a new hire so as we do, we have to give all new hires a notebook. So I went to the back to find one and I ended up coming across one that looked empty. There was no name I opened it up just to make sure it was actually empty , and instead, I found five pages of just insults towards me and my other coworkers. Such as “how is this person even a floor lead “ “was this person even trained?” “feels like i’m the only one with a brain” and much much more don’t get me wrong. I’m OK with criticism and I can deal with constructive criticism, but there was absolutely none in this book. It was literally just pages of her making fun of everyone. Against my better judgment, I did keep reading and then I put it back and didn’t say anything. in my defense like I said, I didn’t even know it was hers because there was no name on it but I couldn’t help but feel pissed off by it. we’ve known this manager for less than a week, and I don’t even know what any of us really did to her. We were all very welcoming and friendly towards her. Today they asked me to do a touch base meeting which is just where they ask questions about how we’re feeling about the job and I just walked out and quit. I’ve worked many jobs and at this point in my life i will not sacrifice my happiness just to make 14 an hour.

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