
Found out a coworker has been secretly recording audio of our shared office space on his phone

So a little context, this coworker has a habit of looking to start drama and has already falsely accused me and three others of wrongdoing by going to HR. Well today I was in early and I was at my desk and something was just nagging me and couldn’t tell what it was. I noticed his phone on his desk and flipped it over and lo and behold he was recording us. I legit love my manager he’s the best manager I’ve ever had he always has my back and he knows this coworker is a lying asshole so I’m going to speak with him tomorrow (cause he’s out sick today) just wondering if this is something that is grounds for termination. I did take a picture of the recording on his phone which is timestamped.

So a little context, this coworker has a habit of looking to start drama and has already falsely accused me and three others of wrongdoing by going to HR. Well today I was in early and I was at my desk and something was just nagging me and couldn’t tell what it was. I noticed his phone on his desk and flipped it over and lo and behold he was recording us. I legit love my manager he’s the best manager I’ve ever had he always has my back and he knows this coworker is a lying asshole so I’m going to speak with him tomorrow (cause he’s out sick today) just wondering if this is something that is grounds for termination. I did take a picture of the recording on his phone which is timestamped.

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